Thursday, March 29, 2012

Deferential Equations

Deferential Equations

First order D.E.

1)Separation of variables

Some differential equations can be solved by the method of separation of variables (or "variables separable") . This method is only possible if we can write the differential equation in the form

A(x) dx + B(y) dy = 0,
where A(x) is a function of x only and B(y) is a function of y only.
Once we can write it in the above form, all we do is integrate throughout, to obtain our general solution.

a) The differential equation
math formula
can be expressed in the required form:
math formula
Here, A(x) = -1/(x ln x) and B(y) = 1/y.

b) Solve the equation
    2 y dy = ( x2 + 1) dx.
Since this equation is already expressed in “separated” form, just integrate:


c) Solve the equation 

The equation can be rewritten as follows:

Integrating both sides yields

Since the initial condition states that y = 1 at x = 0, the parameter c can be evaluated:

The solution of the equation is therefore

Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Michelson-Morley experiment

The Failure of Galilean Relativity / Michelson-Morley experiment

 (Proofing that the speed of light is constant)



The Ether for light

It was thought that electromagnetic waves, like mechanical waves, required a medium to propagate.  Nineteenth-century physicists postulated the existence of the Ether as a mass-less rigid medium which was fixed to the stars, and did not inhibit the motion of celestial bodies.

The Solar System in the Ether

The reference frame attached to the Ether was postulated to be the absolute frame of reference in which the laws of electromagnetism would be valid and in which electromagnetic waves would propagate at speed c.  Hence all other frames, such as the Earth’s, would travel at speeds relative to c.
Assume that the Ether does exist and in it the laws of electromagnetism are defined.  If the Ether frame is fixed to the stars, then the Earth must move relative to that frame.
During a year, as the Earth rotates about the Sun with velocity v, it could be lined up with the Ether and so the speed of light in the Ether frame would be (c+v). Other times, the Earth would move opposite to this absolute frame and the speed of light would be (c-v).
Another way of saying this is that since the Earth frame is different from the Ether frame, light traveling in one direction on Earth would have a different speed than light traveling in another direction.  The Michelson-Morley experiment was designed to measure this difference in the speed of light in different direction on Earth.


The Michelson-Morley Experiment


The experiment 

About half of the light from the source is reflected from the half silvered mirror onto mirror 1 and the rest is transmitted onto mirror 2.  Both beams of light travel the same distance.
If the speed of light is different in the two directions, then an interference pattern would be observed because one light beam will slightly lag behind the other.
The speed at which the Earth moves around the Sun is approximately 28.8 km s-1.  This is fast enough to be easily detected in the Michelson-Morley experiment.
From the above figure, suppose the Earth, and therefore the experimental setup, is moving in the same direction as the light beam moves towards mirror 2.  That beam should therefore move faster than the beam going to mirror 1.  The Ether is supposed to “blow” the light beam off course.
The experiment poses the question: Is the time taken for the two split light beams to cover the same distance on different paths the same?
Times of Flight
Before the light beam is split, it travels at the same speed.  After it is split, one part travels parallel and the other perpendicular to the Ether frame as seen below. The part that moves perpendicular will be blown off course in the time it takes to go from the half-silvered mirror to mirror 1, and back again.
Light beam travels perpendicular to Ether frame.
However the part going parallel to the Ether frame would not be blown off, but move faster in one direction than the other.
Light Beam moved parallel to the ether

Different times of flight along different paths
If the Ether does blow light, then the time to travel back and forth to mirror 1 is
Using Pythagorean Theorem from the triangle above
And substitute this gives the time of flight as
In contrast, the time to travel back and forth to mirror 2 is
Using the fact that the Earth moves much more slowly than the speed of light
the binomial theorem can be used to expand the denominators to give the time difference between the paths as
The difference in times of flight is large enough to lead to interference patterns in the experiment.  In fact no interference was observed thereby indicating that the Ether could not be detected.
No matter how the apparatus was oriented, the Michelson-Morley experiment could not produce interference patterns.  They even waited six months for the Earth to move in the opposite direction and did the experiment again, but still no interference.