First: Header file.h (functions prototype).
// File: hashTable.h
// Definition of Hash Table Template Class
#ifndef HASH_TABLE_H
#define HASH_TABLE_H
// Specification of the class
template <class keyType, class dataType>
class hashTable
// Member Functions
hashTable(int nelements = 11); // Constructor
~hashTable(); // Destructor
// Functions Prototype Definitions
void emptyTable(const keyType & );
bool tableIsEmpty() const;
bool tableIsFull() const;
int occupancy() const;
bool insert(const keyType &, const dataType & );
bool search(const keyType & );
//void remove();
void updateData(const dataType & );
void retrieveData(dataType &) const;
void traverse() const;
// Slot Class
class slot
keyType key; // key
dataType data; // Data
}; // end of class slot declaration
slot *T; // Pointer to Storage Array
int h; // Index to a slot
int MaxSize, csize; // Maximum and Current Sizes
keyType Empty; // empty symbol
// Private Member function
int hash(const keyType & ) const;
#endif // HASH_TABLE_H
#include "hashTable.cpp"
second: Implementation file.cpp
// File:hashTable.cpp
// hashTable Class implementation file
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
// Constructor with argument, size is nelements, default is 11
template <class keyType, class dataType>
hashTable<keyType, dataType>::hashTable(int nelements)
{ MaxSize = nelements; T = new slot[MaxSize]; h = -1; csize = 0;}
// Destructor
template <class keyType, class dataType>
hashTable<keyType, dataType>::~hashTable()
{ delete [] T;}
// Empty all slots
template <class keyType, class dataType>
void hashTable<keyType, dataType>::emptyTable(const keyType &k)
Empty = k;
for(int i = 0; i < MaxSize; i++) T[i].key = Empty;
h = -1; csize = 0;
// return True if table is empty
template <class keyType, class dataType>
bool hashTable<keyType, dataType>::tableIsEmpty() const
return (csize == 0);
// return True if table is full
template <class keyType, class dataType>
bool hashTable<keyType, dataType>::tableIsFull() const
return (csize == MaxSize);
// to return the current occupancy of the table
template <class keyType, class dataType>
int hashTable<keyType, dataType>::occupancy() const
return csize;
// insert key and data at a hashed slot
template <class keyType, class dataType>
bool hashTable<keyType, dataType>::insert(const keyType &k, const dataType &d)
if (!tableIsFull())
h = hash(k);
while(T[h].key != Empty)
h = (h+1) % MaxSize;
T[h].key = k; T[h].data = d; csize++;
return true;
else return false;
// Search the table for the slot that matches key.
// If found, return True, set current position to slot
template <class keyType, class dataType>
bool hashTable<keyType, dataType>::search(const keyType &k )
h = hash(k); int start = h;
for ( ; ; )
if (T[h].key == Empty) return false;
if (k == T[h].key) return true;
h = (h+1) % MaxSize;
if (h == start) return false;
else return false;
/* Remove given key from (make deleted) current slot
template <class keyType, class dataType>
void hashTable<keyType, dataType>::remove()
T[h].key = Deleted;
// Update the data part of the current slot
template <class keyType, class dataType>
void hashTable<keyType, dataType>::updateData(const dataType &d )
if ((h >=0)&&(h < MaxSize)) T[h].data = d;
// Retrieve the data part of the current slot
template <class keyType, class dataType>
void hashTable<keyType, dataType>::retrieveData(dataType &d) const
if ((h >= 0)&&(h < MaxSize)) d = T[h].data;
else d = T[0].data;
// Traverse whole table
template <class keyType, class dataType>
void hashTable<keyType, dataType>::traverse() const
for(int i = 0; i < MaxSize; i++)
cout << T[i].key << endl;
// Private Hashing Function
template <class keyType, class dataType>
int hashTable<keyType, dataType>::hash(const keyType &k ) const
return (k % MaxSize);
// hashTable Class implementation file
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
// Constructor with argument, size is nelements, default is 11
template <class keyType, class dataType>
hashTable<keyType, dataType>::hashTable(int nelements)
{ MaxSize = nelements; T = new slot[MaxSize]; h = -1; csize = 0;}
// Destructor
template <class keyType, class dataType>
hashTable<keyType, dataType>::~hashTable()
{ delete [] T;}
// Empty all slots
template <class keyType, class dataType>
void hashTable<keyType, dataType>::emptyTable(const keyType &k)
Empty = k;
for(int i = 0; i < MaxSize; i++) T[i].key = Empty;
h = -1; csize = 0;
// return True if table is empty
template <class keyType, class dataType>
bool hashTable<keyType, dataType>::tableIsEmpty() const
return (csize == 0);
// return True if table is full
template <class keyType, class dataType>
bool hashTable<keyType, dataType>::tableIsFull() const
return (csize == MaxSize);
// to return the current occupancy of the table
template <class keyType, class dataType>
int hashTable<keyType, dataType>::occupancy() const
return csize;
// insert key and data at a hashed slot
template <class keyType, class dataType>
bool hashTable<keyType, dataType>::insert(const keyType &k, const dataType &d)
if (!tableIsFull())
h = hash(k);
while(T[h].key != Empty)
h = (h+1) % MaxSize;
T[h].key = k; T[h].data = d; csize++;
return true;
else return false;
// Search the table for the slot that matches key.
// If found, return True, set current position to slot
template <class keyType, class dataType>
bool hashTable<keyType, dataType>::search(const keyType &k )
h = hash(k); int start = h;
for ( ; ; )
if (T[h].key == Empty) return false;
if (k == T[h].key) return true;
h = (h+1) % MaxSize;
if (h == start) return false;
else return false;
/* Remove given key from (make deleted) current slot
template <class keyType, class dataType>
void hashTable<keyType, dataType>::remove()
T[h].key = Deleted;
// Update the data part of the current slot
template <class keyType, class dataType>
void hashTable<keyType, dataType>::updateData(const dataType &d )
if ((h >=0)&&(h < MaxSize)) T[h].data = d;
// Retrieve the data part of the current slot
template <class keyType, class dataType>
void hashTable<keyType, dataType>::retrieveData(dataType &d) const
if ((h >= 0)&&(h < MaxSize)) d = T[h].data;
else d = T[0].data;
// Traverse whole table
template <class keyType, class dataType>
void hashTable<keyType, dataType>::traverse() const
for(int i = 0; i < MaxSize; i++)
cout << T[i].key << endl;
// Private Hashing Function
template <class keyType, class dataType>
int hashTable<keyType, dataType>::hash(const keyType &k ) const
return (k % MaxSize);
// Test class template hashTable
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
#include "hashTable.h"
int main()
const int N = 9;
int A[N] = {55,35,66,76,59,48,84,70,54};
int B[N] = {1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9};
int e = -1;
int x,d;
hashTable<int, int> HT;
cout << "Constructing empty Hash Table\n";
cout << "Table " << (HT.tableIsEmpty() ? "is" : "is not") << " empty\n";
cout << "Traversing\n";
for(int i = 0; i<N; i++)
if(HT.insert(A[i], B[i])) cout << A[i] <<" is inserted, occupancy = "
<< HT.occupancy() << endl;
cout << "Table " << (HT.tableIsEmpty() ? "is" : "is not") << " empty\n";
cout << "Traversing\n";
cout << "Searching\n";
x = A[2];
cout << x << (HT.search(x) ? " is" : " is not") << " found\n";
cout << "Retrieving data part of " << x;
HT.retrieveData(d); cout <<" = " << d;
cout << endl;
cout << "Updating\n";
cout << "Retrieving data part of " << x;
HT.retrieveData(d); cout <<" = " << d;
cout << endl;
x = 123;
cout << x << (HT.search(x) ? " is" : " is not") << " found\n";
x = 70;
cout << "Searching\n";
cout << x << (HT.search(x) ? " is" : " is not") << " found\n";
cout << "Retrieving data part of " << x;
HT.retrieveData(d); cout <<" = " << d;
cout << endl;
cout << "Traversing\n";
x = 44;
if(HT.insert(x, 10)) cout << x <<" is inserted, occupancy = "
<< HT.occupancy() << endl;
cout << "Traversing\n";
return 0;
finally class test
// File: hashtest.cpp// Test class template hashTable
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
#include "hashTable.h"
int main()
const int N = 9;
int A[N] = {55,35,66,76,59,48,84,70,54};
int B[N] = {1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9};
int e = -1;
int x,d;
hashTable<int, int> HT;
cout << "Constructing empty Hash Table\n";
cout << "Table " << (HT.tableIsEmpty() ? "is" : "is not") << " empty\n";
cout << "Traversing\n";
for(int i = 0; i<N; i++)
if(HT.insert(A[i], B[i])) cout << A[i] <<" is inserted, occupancy = "
<< HT.occupancy() << endl;
cout << "Table " << (HT.tableIsEmpty() ? "is" : "is not") << " empty\n";
cout << "Traversing\n";
cout << "Searching\n";
x = A[2];
cout << x << (HT.search(x) ? " is" : " is not") << " found\n";
cout << "Retrieving data part of " << x;
HT.retrieveData(d); cout <<" = " << d;
cout << endl;
cout << "Updating\n";
cout << "Retrieving data part of " << x;
HT.retrieveData(d); cout <<" = " << d;
cout << endl;
x = 123;
cout << x << (HT.search(x) ? " is" : " is not") << " found\n";
x = 70;
cout << "Searching\n";
cout << x << (HT.search(x) ? " is" : " is not") << " found\n";
cout << "Retrieving data part of " << x;
HT.retrieveData(d); cout <<" = " << d;
cout << endl;
cout << "Traversing\n";
x = 44;
if(HT.insert(x, 10)) cout << x <<" is inserted, occupancy = "
<< HT.occupancy() << endl;
cout << "Traversing\n";
return 0;
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