First: Header file.h (functions prototype).
// File: MinHeap.h
// Heap Class header file (Minimum Heap for graph edges)
/* ________________________________________________________________________________________________
The following is a definition of a class for a Minimum Heap "MinHeap". The elements of the heap are
structs that model an edge in a non-directed weighted graph. Each edge is characterized by three
integers: (u,v,w). u is the index of a node, v is the index of the second node, and w is the weight
of the edge between u and v. The top of the heap will contain the edge with the minimum weight. The
heap condition is that a parent is always less than or equal to the children. The heap is implemented
as a dynamic array a[] with a size specified by the class constructor. Location a[0] is reserved to
contain a weight value "itemMin" smaller than any possible weight value (e.g. a negative number)
#ifndef MINHEAP_H
#define MINHEAP_H
#include "Edge.h"
using namespace std;
class MinHeap
// Member Functions
// Class Constructor with input size parameter
MinHeap(int );
// Class Destructor
// Functions Prototype Definitions
void insert(Edge e); // insert edge into heap
Edge remove(); // remove the top of the heap
// Pointer to Storage Array
Edge *a;
// Maximum Size (not including a[0])
int MaxSize;
int N; // index of last element in the heap
weightType itemMin; // itemMin to be stored in a[0]
// Heap Adjustment Functions
void upheap(int k);
void downheap(int k);
#endif // MINHEAP_H
#include "MinHeap.cpp"
second: Implementation file.cpp
// File:MinHeap.cpp
// Heape Class implementation file (Minimum heap for graph edges)
// Member Functions
// Constructor with argument. max size is mVal elements
// not including a[0] which will receive a weight -32767
// The constructor creates the heap array, initializes
// the end of the heap to N=0,and itmMin
MinHeap::MinHeap(int mVal)
a = new Edge[mVal+1]; N=0;
MaxSize = mVal; itemMin = -32767; // Minimum Heap
a[0].w = itemMin ;
// Class Destructor
{ delete [] a;}
// Heap Adjustment Functions
// upheap element at location (k) in the heap
// as long as it is less than the parent
void MinHeap::upheap(int k)
Edge e = a[k] ;
while ( e <= a[k/2])
{ a[k] = a[k/2] ; k = k/2 ; }
a[k] = e ;
// downheap element at (k) in the heap
void MinHeap::downheap(int k)
int j = 2 * k ; Edge e = a[k] ;
while (j <= N) {
if ((j < N) && (a[j+1] < a[j])) j++ ;
if ( e <= a[j] ) break;
a[j/2] = a[j] ; j *= 2 ; }
a[j/2] = e ;
// Insert (e) in a heap and adjust heap
void MinHeap::insert(Edge e)
a[++N] = e ; upheap(N) ;
// remove and return top of the heap, then adjust heap
Edge MinHeap::remove()
Edge e = a[1] ;
a[1] = a[N--] ; downheap(1) ;
return e;
// Heape Class implementation file (Minimum heap for graph edges)
// Member Functions
// Constructor with argument. max size is mVal elements
// not including a[0] which will receive a weight -32767
// The constructor creates the heap array, initializes
// the end of the heap to N=0,and itmMin
MinHeap::MinHeap(int mVal)
a = new Edge[mVal+1]; N=0;
MaxSize = mVal; itemMin = -32767; // Minimum Heap
a[0].w = itemMin ;
// Class Destructor
{ delete [] a;}
// Heap Adjustment Functions
// upheap element at location (k) in the heap
// as long as it is less than the parent
void MinHeap::upheap(int k)
Edge e = a[k] ;
while ( e <= a[k/2])
{ a[k] = a[k/2] ; k = k/2 ; }
a[k] = e ;
// downheap element at (k) in the heap
void MinHeap::downheap(int k)
int j = 2 * k ; Edge e = a[k] ;
while (j <= N) {
if ((j < N) && (a[j+1] < a[j])) j++ ;
if ( e <= a[j] ) break;
a[j/2] = a[j] ; j *= 2 ; }
a[j/2] = e ;
// Insert (e) in a heap and adjust heap
void MinHeap::insert(Edge e)
a[++N] = e ; upheap(N) ;
// remove and return top of the heap, then adjust heap
Edge MinHeap::remove()
Edge e = a[1] ;
a[1] = a[N--] ; downheap(1) ;
return e;
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