First: Header file.h (functions prototype).
// File: List.h
// Definition of Simple Linked List Template Class
#ifndef LIST_H
#define LIST_H
// Specification of the class
template <class keyType, class dataType>
class List
// Member Functions
// Create an empty List
// Destroy List
// Functions Prototype Definitions
bool listIsEmpty() const;
bool curIsEmpty() const;
void toFirst();
bool atFirst() const;
void advance();
void toEnd();
bool atEnd() const;
int listSize() const;
void updateData(const dataType & );
void retrieveData(dataType &) const;
void insertFirst(const keyType &, const dataType & );
void insertAfter(const keyType &, const dataType & );
void insertBefore(const keyType &, const dataType & );
void insertEnd(const keyType &, const dataType & );
void deleteNode();
void deleteFirst();
void deleteEnd();
void makeListEmpty();
bool search(const keyType & );
void orderInsert(const keyType &, const dataType & );
void traverse();
// Node Class
class node
keyType key; // key
dataType data; // Data
node *next; // pointer to next node
}; // end of class node declaration
typedef node * NodePointer;
// Pointers
NodePointer head, cursor, prev;
#endif // LIST_H
#include "List.cpp"
second: Implementation file.cpp
// File:List.cpp
// Simple Linked List Class implementation file
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
// Member Functions
// Class Constructor
template <class keyType, class dataType>
List<keyType, dataType>::List()
head = NULL; cursor = NULL; prev = NULL;
// Class Destructor
template <class keyType, class dataType>
List<keyType, dataType>::~List()
// return True if list is empty
template <class keyType, class dataType>
bool List<keyType, dataType>::listIsEmpty() const
return (head == NULL);
// return True if current position is empty
template <class keyType, class dataType>
bool List<keyType, dataType>::curIsEmpty() const
return (cursor == NULL);
// to make the current node the first node; if list is empty,
// the current position is still empty
template <class keyType, class dataType>
void List<keyType, dataType>::toFirst()
cursor = head; prev = NULL;
// to return True if the current node is the first node or
// if the list and the current position are both empty.
template <class keyType, class dataType>
bool List<keyType, dataType>::atFirst() const
return (cursor == head);
// to advance to next node. Assume the current position
// is nonempty initially.
template <class keyType, class dataType>
void List<keyType, dataType>::advance()
prev = cursor;
cursor = cursor->next;
// to make the current node the tail node;
// if list is empty, the current position is still empty
template <class keyType, class dataType>
void List<keyType, dataType>::toEnd()
if (! listIsEmpty())
while ( cursor->next != NULL) advance();
// to return True if the current node is the tail node or
// if the list and the current position are both empty.
template <class keyType, class dataType>
bool List<keyType, dataType>::atEnd() const
if ( listIsEmpty()) return true;
else if (curIsEmpty()) return false;
else return (cursor->next == NULL);
// to return the size of the list
template <class keyType, class dataType>
int List<keyType, dataType>::listSize() const
NodePointer q; int count;
q = head; count = 0;
while (q != NULL)
count++; q = q->next;
return count;
// to update the data portion of the current node to contain el;
// assume the current position is nonempty.
template <class keyType, class dataType>
void List<keyType, dataType>::updateData(const dataType &d)
cursor->data = d;
// to return the data in the current node;
// assume the current position is nonempty.
template <class keyType, class dataType>
void List<keyType, dataType>::retrieveData(dataType &d) const
d = cursor->data;
// insert a node with data (el) at the head of the list;
// the new node becomes the current node.
template <class keyType, class dataType>
void List<keyType, dataType>::insertFirst(const keyType &k, const dataType &d )
NodePointer pnew;
pnew = new node;
pnew->key = k; pnew->data = d;
pnew->next = head;
head = pnew;
cursor = head;
prev = NULL;
// insert a node with data (el) after the current node
// without changing the current position;
// assume the current position is nonempty in a non-empty list.
template <class keyType, class dataType>
void List<keyType, dataType>::insertAfter(const keyType &k, const dataType &d )
NodePointer pnew;
pnew = new node;
pnew->key = k; pnew->data = d;
pnew->next = cursor->next;
cursor->next = pnew;
// insert a node with data (el) before the current node,
// current position becomes the new node.
template <class keyType, class dataType>
void List<keyType, dataType>::insertBefore(const keyType &k, const dataType &d )
NodePointer pnew;
pnew = new node;
pnew->key = k; pnew->data = d;
pnew->next = cursor;
prev->next = pnew;
cursor = pnew;
// insert a node with data (el) at the end of the list,
// current position becomes the new node.
template <class keyType, class dataType>
void List<keyType, dataType>::insertEnd(const keyType &k, const dataType &d )
if (listIsEmpty()) insertFirst(k,d);
else {toEnd(); insertAfter(k,d); }
// delete the current node and set the current position to the next node;
// if the current node is the last node initially, the current position becomes empty;
// assume the current position is nonempty initially.
template <class keyType, class dataType>
void List<keyType, dataType>::deleteNode()
NodePointer q;
if(! curIsEmpty())
{ // current node is not empty
if (atFirst()) // delete head node
{ q = cursor;
cursor = cursor->next;
head = cursor;
delete q;
else // delete non-head node
{ q = cursor;
cursor = cursor->next;
prev->next = cursor;
delete q;
// delete the first node and set the current position to the next node;
// if it was initially the only node, the current position becomes empty;
// assume the current position is nonempty initially.
template <class keyType, class dataType>
void List<keyType, dataType>::deleteFirst()
if(! listIsEmpty()) {toFirst(); deleteNode();}
// delete the last node and set the current position to empty;
// assume the current position is nonempty initially.
template <class keyType, class dataType>
void List<keyType, dataType>::deleteEnd()
if(! listIsEmpty()) {toEnd(); deleteNode();}
// delete whole list
template <class keyType, class dataType>
void List<keyType, dataType>::makeListEmpty()
while (! listIsEmpty())
// search the list for the node with key part that matches (k).
// If found, set cursor to the node and return True,
// else return false and the current position becomes empty.
template <class keyType, class dataType>
bool List<keyType, dataType>::search(const keyType &k)
bool found = false;
while ((! found) && (cursor != NULL))
if (k == cursor->key) found = true;
else advance();
return found;
// insert a node in a position that maintains an ascending
// order of the key portion of the nodes.
template <class keyType, class dataType>
void List<keyType, dataType>::orderInsert(const keyType &k, const dataType &d)
while ((cursor != NULL) && (k > cursor->key))
if (prev == NULL) insertFirst(k,d);
else insertBefore(k,d);
// traverse list to print key and data fields
template <class keyType, class dataType>
void List<keyType, dataType>::traverse()
while (! curIsEmpty())
cout << cursor->key << " " << cursor->data << endl;
// Simple Linked List Class implementation file
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
// Member Functions
// Class Constructor
template <class keyType, class dataType>
List<keyType, dataType>::List()
head = NULL; cursor = NULL; prev = NULL;
// Class Destructor
template <class keyType, class dataType>
List<keyType, dataType>::~List()
// return True if list is empty
template <class keyType, class dataType>
bool List<keyType, dataType>::listIsEmpty() const
return (head == NULL);
// return True if current position is empty
template <class keyType, class dataType>
bool List<keyType, dataType>::curIsEmpty() const
return (cursor == NULL);
// to make the current node the first node; if list is empty,
// the current position is still empty
template <class keyType, class dataType>
void List<keyType, dataType>::toFirst()
cursor = head; prev = NULL;
// to return True if the current node is the first node or
// if the list and the current position are both empty.
template <class keyType, class dataType>
bool List<keyType, dataType>::atFirst() const
return (cursor == head);
// to advance to next node. Assume the current position
// is nonempty initially.
template <class keyType, class dataType>
void List<keyType, dataType>::advance()
prev = cursor;
cursor = cursor->next;
// to make the current node the tail node;
// if list is empty, the current position is still empty
template <class keyType, class dataType>
void List<keyType, dataType>::toEnd()
if (! listIsEmpty())
while ( cursor->next != NULL) advance();
// to return True if the current node is the tail node or
// if the list and the current position are both empty.
template <class keyType, class dataType>
bool List<keyType, dataType>::atEnd() const
if ( listIsEmpty()) return true;
else if (curIsEmpty()) return false;
else return (cursor->next == NULL);
// to return the size of the list
template <class keyType, class dataType>
int List<keyType, dataType>::listSize() const
NodePointer q; int count;
q = head; count = 0;
while (q != NULL)
count++; q = q->next;
return count;
// to update the data portion of the current node to contain el;
// assume the current position is nonempty.
template <class keyType, class dataType>
void List<keyType, dataType>::updateData(const dataType &d)
cursor->data = d;
// to return the data in the current node;
// assume the current position is nonempty.
template <class keyType, class dataType>
void List<keyType, dataType>::retrieveData(dataType &d) const
d = cursor->data;
// insert a node with data (el) at the head of the list;
// the new node becomes the current node.
template <class keyType, class dataType>
void List<keyType, dataType>::insertFirst(const keyType &k, const dataType &d )
NodePointer pnew;
pnew = new node;
pnew->key = k; pnew->data = d;
pnew->next = head;
head = pnew;
cursor = head;
prev = NULL;
// insert a node with data (el) after the current node
// without changing the current position;
// assume the current position is nonempty in a non-empty list.
template <class keyType, class dataType>
void List<keyType, dataType>::insertAfter(const keyType &k, const dataType &d )
NodePointer pnew;
pnew = new node;
pnew->key = k; pnew->data = d;
pnew->next = cursor->next;
cursor->next = pnew;
// insert a node with data (el) before the current node,
// current position becomes the new node.
template <class keyType, class dataType>
void List<keyType, dataType>::insertBefore(const keyType &k, const dataType &d )
NodePointer pnew;
pnew = new node;
pnew->key = k; pnew->data = d;
pnew->next = cursor;
prev->next = pnew;
cursor = pnew;
// insert a node with data (el) at the end of the list,
// current position becomes the new node.
template <class keyType, class dataType>
void List<keyType, dataType>::insertEnd(const keyType &k, const dataType &d )
if (listIsEmpty()) insertFirst(k,d);
else {toEnd(); insertAfter(k,d); }
// delete the current node and set the current position to the next node;
// if the current node is the last node initially, the current position becomes empty;
// assume the current position is nonempty initially.
template <class keyType, class dataType>
void List<keyType, dataType>::deleteNode()
NodePointer q;
if(! curIsEmpty())
{ // current node is not empty
if (atFirst()) // delete head node
{ q = cursor;
cursor = cursor->next;
head = cursor;
delete q;
else // delete non-head node
{ q = cursor;
cursor = cursor->next;
prev->next = cursor;
delete q;
// delete the first node and set the current position to the next node;
// if it was initially the only node, the current position becomes empty;
// assume the current position is nonempty initially.
template <class keyType, class dataType>
void List<keyType, dataType>::deleteFirst()
if(! listIsEmpty()) {toFirst(); deleteNode();}
// delete the last node and set the current position to empty;
// assume the current position is nonempty initially.
template <class keyType, class dataType>
void List<keyType, dataType>::deleteEnd()
if(! listIsEmpty()) {toEnd(); deleteNode();}
// delete whole list
template <class keyType, class dataType>
void List<keyType, dataType>::makeListEmpty()
while (! listIsEmpty())
// search the list for the node with key part that matches (k).
// If found, set cursor to the node and return True,
// else return false and the current position becomes empty.
template <class keyType, class dataType>
bool List<keyType, dataType>::search(const keyType &k)
bool found = false;
while ((! found) && (cursor != NULL))
if (k == cursor->key) found = true;
else advance();
return found;
// insert a node in a position that maintains an ascending
// order of the key portion of the nodes.
template <class keyType, class dataType>
void List<keyType, dataType>::orderInsert(const keyType &k, const dataType &d)
while ((cursor != NULL) && (k > cursor->key))
if (prev == NULL) insertFirst(k,d);
else insertBefore(k,d);
// traverse list to print key and data fields
template <class keyType, class dataType>
void List<keyType, dataType>::traverse()
while (! curIsEmpty())
cout << cursor->key << " " << cursor->data << endl;
finally class test
// File: ListAppl.cpp
// Applies List Class: Ordered linked list
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
using namespace std;
#include "List.h"
int main()
List<char, int> clist;
string s;
char c;
int i, count;
bool keyfound;
// Read a string
cout << "Enter a string:" << endl;
cout << s << endl;
for (i = 0; i < s.length(); i++)
c = toupper(s.at(i));
keyfound = clist.search(c);
if (keyfound)
else clist.orderInsert(c,1);
cout << clist.listSize() << endl;
cout << clist.listSize() << endl;
return 0;
// Applies List Class: Ordered linked list
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
using namespace std;
#include "List.h"
int main()
List<char, int> clist;
string s;
char c;
int i, count;
bool keyfound;
// Read a string
cout << "Enter a string:" << endl;
cout << s << endl;
for (i = 0; i < s.length(); i++)
c = toupper(s.at(i));
keyfound = clist.search(c);
if (keyfound)
else clist.orderInsert(c,1);
cout << clist.listSize() << endl;
cout << clist.listSize() << endl;
return 0;
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